Start Eating Two Eggs Per Day And These Nine Changes Will Happen To Your Body!

People have been eating eggs since the dawn of time. The chicken eggs have a unique composition and they are loaded with many beneficial nutrients. The recommended amount of eggs you should consume daily is 2-3, according to recent studies.


If you are in the habit of having few chicken eggs for your breakfast, you should be aware that this will only give you a decent amount of energy & calories, thus helping you to get rid of your excess fat, based to a recent UK studies. With consumption of this feast for breakfast, you will be full for a prolonged span of time and reduce the overall food consumption.


In most cases, people will choose to eat one boiled egg, rather than taking one spoon of fresh fish oils. Scientists which are working for the food industry, are enriching the chicken meat with special substances and additives in order to increase the amounts of vitamins D in the eggs only. The vitamin D strengthens your teeth and bones and it also improves the actual calcium absorption.

The brain is under constant protection of the choline

By eating two eggs each day, you are providing the body with the required quantity; phospholipids vitamins that are comprised of the brain. In case you are lacking this sort of vitamins, you might face with a short and In more severe cases a long-term memory loss.

Slower down the aging manner

Almost 90% of the women aged between 35 and 40 years have reduced their facial wrinkles and skin patches as a result of the daily consummation of eggs. This is as per a most recent research published in the Netherlands healthcare magazine.

Eating eggs helps women get pregnant

B vitamins are quite of great importance when it comes to the creation of sexual hormones. The vitamin type B9 helps in the process of formation of the neural tube and also the red blood cells, and as a result, it reduces the danger of potential mental retardation. One single egg has 7 mg of this specific B9 vitamin.

Lutein keeps your vision protected

The chicken eggs are quite rich in lutein, one of the most important substances that are responsible for having a sharp and clear vision, based on the recent studies done in the USA. Any deficiency of lutein in your body can reduce your vision and cause harmful complications.


The Phospholipids present in the eggs stimulates toxin eradication from the liver areas. Additionally, the vitamin B12 and the biotin are vital for your skin and hair regeneration.

Reducing the chances of malignancy

Women that ingest eggs on a regular basis, are less probable to be affected by breast malignancy by 15% due to the fact that the choline is reducing the risk of malignancy and is a crucial part of the brain.

Lower the dangers of cardiovascular ailment

Due to the large quantities of phosphatides cholesterol [found in the chicken eggs], the dangers of cardiovascular ailments can be kept in balance. You need to realize that this is not damaging to the health; contrary it actually reduces the levels of cholesterol production in your body. Eggs are quite rich in omega 3 acids which actually lowers the number of blood triglycerides; thus lowering the danger of cardiovascular ailment.

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